
Yassine Abbahaddou

Ph.D. Student
Ecole Polytechnique
yassine.abbahaddou (at) polytechnique (dot) edu

About Me

I am a Ph.D. Candidate at Ecole Polytechnique in Paris, conducting research at Laboratoire d'informatique de l'École polytechnique (LIX) under the supervision of of Professors Johannes F. Lutzeyer, Fragkiskos D. Malliaros, and Michalis Vazirgiannis . Proior to that, I completed a Master of Science in Applied mathematics and Engineering from Ecole Centrale Paris and a Master of Science in Mathematics, Machine Learning and Computer Vision from ENS Paris-Saclay ( M2 MVA Mathématiques, Vision, Apprentisage ).

My research interests span the broad area of Graph Neural Networks, Geometric Deep Learning and LLMs. I enjoy applying theoretical mathematical concepts to develop new machine learning algorithms for a variety of practical real-world applications.

My academic CV can be accessed here

Research Interests

What's new?


  1. ICLR
    Yassine Abbahaddou,Sofiane Ennadir, Johannes Lutzeyer, Michalis Vazirgiannis & Henrik Boström
    International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2024.
  2. AAAI
    Sofiane Ennadir, Yassine Abbahaddou,Johannes Lutzeyer, Michalis Vazirgiannis & Henrik Boström
    Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2023.

  3. Preprint
    Yassine Abbahaddou, Fragkiskos D. Malliaros, Johannes F. Lutzeyer, Michalis Vazirgiannis
  4. Preprint
    Yassine Abbahaddou, Fragkiskos D. Malliaros, Johannes F. Lutzeyer, Amine Mohamed Aboussalah, Michalis Vazirgiannis
  5. Preprint
    Yassine Abbahaddou, Sofiane Ennadir, Johannes F. Lutzeyer, Fragkiskos D. Malliaros, Michalis Vazirgiannis
  6. Preprint
    Guokan Shang, Hadi Abdine, Yousef Khoubrane, Amr Mohamed, Yassine Abbahaddou, Sofiane Ennadir, Imane Momayiz, Xuguang Ren, Eric Moulines, Preslav Nakov, Michalis Vazirgiannis, Eric Xing
  7. GLFrontiers Workshop, Neurips
    Yassine Abbahaddou,Johannes Lutzeyer, Michalis Vazirgiannis
    NeurIPS 2023 New Frontiers in Graph Learning Workshop (NeurIPS GLFrontiers), 2023.

Achievements & Awards